
Expert tips periodontitis subjects decreased sexual ability

One study found that there is a serious dental periodontitis men suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) at greater risk of sexual life more prone to problems. Male sexuality in order to maintain long-lasting, must pay attention to dental health, especially to prevent periodontal disease, sooner or later insisted brushing, eating cold acid foods, regular oral health checks.
In the United States Atlanta International urology conference, a Taiwan scholar of the latest research concern. Research indicates that there is a serious dental periodontitis male, suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) at greater risk of sexual life more prone to problems.

Taipei Medical University School of Management Professor Lin Hengqing health care led the study. They selected the 33 000 men with ED and 16,200 normal male sexual function, and these people for a period of five years tracking. The results showed that, compared with healthy sexual function, ED group dental problem is more common in men, more than 12% of people are suffering from periodontitis. In the other health factors into account, the researchers found that exists between periodontal disease and ED great relationship. At the age of 30 young men and 70 years of age or older men, this correlation greater.

American Urological Association Public Media Committee members said Dr. Tobias Kohler, ED, and periodontal disease looks like irrelevant, they really are closely related. "Periodontal disease produced by inflammation, possibly through the capillaries into the blood circulatory system, thereby affecting the function of the blood vessels supplying the penis, leading to erectile dysfunction." New York Winthrop University Hospital Urology Director Alan Katz Dr. said.

Vascular problems, is probably the earliest signals of sexual dysfunction. Because the average penis artery diameter is 1-2 mm, cerebral artery mean diameter of 2-3 mm, the average diameter of the carotid artery is 5-6 mm, if the blood vessel blockage or inflammation, is bound to From the small blood vessels at the beginning. Furthermore, periodontal bad men would most likely suffer bad breath problems, women may therefore refuse male kissing or intimacy, which will give men enormous psychological pressure, leading to the occurrence of ED.

Therefore, in order to maintain long-lasting male sexuality, we must pay attention to dental health, especially to prevent periodontal disease, sooner or later insisted brush your teeth, eat cold acid foods, regular oral health checks.