
Expert: go early suffering from dental caries

Dental caries is important to fill after repair tools, in addition to doctors tell patients may appear explicitly temporary toothache (eg pulp inactivation), the other due to a variety of dental pain after the case should go to a regular hospital for treatment, in order to identify the causes and timely manner.
Many patients who have dental caries begins and disapproval until toothache when in the hospital for treatment, then the majority of patients is not simply fillings will solve the problem, you need a root canal or crowns, and in serious cases, to remove .

Without timely treatment of dental caries, the lesion will be increasing, from shallow to deep caries development, such as hot and cold, sweet and sour foods irritate sensitive, when the damage reaches the pulp, causing apical inflammation, periapical abscess, or even jaw osteomyelitis, tooth loss is missing. Dental caries or absent, will affect chewing, heavier burden on the stomach, thereby affecting their health. Moreover, there are a lot of bacteria caries pus, as a potential lesion, when the body's defenses are weakened, it can cause sepsis or bacteremia. The fillings can avoid termination of the occurrence and development of these diseases, it is suffering from a disease should be early dental caries.

After filling, the recent stimulus causes pain or spontaneous pain, possibly filling material in certain chemicals stimulate the pulp or periapical tissue caused by pulp may also be caused by incomplete inactivation. Forward the cause of pain often complicated by secondary caries pulpitis. Depending on the case for pulp appease or other endodontic treatment. If the recent bite pain, mostly filling material is too high, causing occlusion when early contact. A few days after treatment can be restored to normal.

Experts remind dental caries is important to fill after repair tools, in addition to doctors tell patients may appear explicitly temporary toothache (eg pulp inactivation), the other due to a variety of fillings after the case should go to a regular toothache hospital for treatment, in order to identify the causes and timely manner.