
Proper brushing to prevent periodontitis

Periodontal disease are to blame

According to the third national oral health survey data show that China's 80% -97% of the adult population have varying degrees of periodontal disease problems, while 35-year-old to 44-year-old adult population, bleeding gums as high as 77.3% .

"The early symptoms of periodontal disease is not obvious, swollen gums, loose teeth, root exposure, etc. are likely to be periodontitis signal." Shandong Province Yang Pi-shan Dental Hospital warned that "there is a natural oral bacterial populations, if poor oral hygiene, bacteria will result in the formation of dental plaque or calculus, so that you continue to disrupt the alveolar bone. "

Second Hospital of Shandong University, dental director Yuan Kui letters that "children in dental caries germination when there may be a hazard if there caries, children will not want to chew, do not want to eat certain foods, nutrition may occur imbalance problem. "

In addition, Yang Pi-shan said, "Modern medical research shows that periodontitis and coronary heart disease, diabetes, etc. have a direct link. Moreover, the risk of severe periodontitis in pregnant women, easy to preterm low birth weight and birth children."

Smokers susceptible to periodontal disease

Long with deciduous teeth from children to adults in their 30s, people of different ages may suffer from periodontal disease. "Smokers are also a high risk of periodontal disease." Yang Pi-shan pointed out that tobacco smoke and accumulation of heat generated by combustion of the product is localized irritants, making the gum and the tooth surface to increase keratosis appears brown tarry deposits accelerated plaque the formation of plaque and tartar, so it is easy to induce or aggravate the symptoms of periodontal disease.

Yang Pi-shan said, "mental stress, psychological pressure of the crowd is also susceptible to periodontal disease infestation, they engage in less physical activity than normal, less attention to oral hygiene. Additionally, periodontal disease is also affected by the impact of systemic conditions, periodontitis may affect diabetes, which in turn will increase these diseases periodontal disease. "

Brushing is very demanding

"Focus on prevention of dental caries in children and adolescents, adults have become the new focus on prevention of gum disease oral care concept." Expert tips from the following aspects:

Adhere to the "vertical brushing method"

Yang Pi-shan believes that brushing three times a day, each time to brush full three minutes; pay attention to the quality toothbrush, brush not too big, not too dense brush too hard; in brushing method, we should adhere to the "vertical brushing method," also advocated with "short horizontal brush Law" (ie brush teeth only on the tooth surface and the gap in the short distance back and forth fibrillation); tooth gap is relatively large for a person, you can use a specially designed interdental brushes, dental floss to aids.

"Brushing teeth by toothbrush friction generated by mechanical forces to remove plaque and prevent formation of dental calculus." Yuan Kui letters that children brush their teeth at night is more important, so from 1-2 years old, parents can use the finger toothbrush or toothpaste for children with gauze dipped in cleaning the teeth; wait 2-3 years old children can develop the habit of brushing their own. Also, pay attention to early signs of periodontal disease, if you brush your teeth, bleeding gums when eating phenomenon, due early hospital treatment.