
After dentures do not deliberately eat soft food



Core Tip: Many people in the set after the dentures, no matter what to eat carefully. I usually eat soft food, liquid food, afraid to eat hard objects worn dentures. In fact you really want to do so?
Many people set up after the dentures, no matter what to eat carefully. I usually eat soft food, liquid food, afraid to eat hard objects worn dentures. In fact you really want to do so?

Experts say, not every day, just after denture porridge, noodles and other soft food, because the first three months after the denture, teeth bones absorb faster, be extra certain pressure to the bone to be able to slow the absorption, if the patient to eat every day soft foods, the teeth do not feel pressure, but not conducive to the recovery of the teeth. Denture is to chew properly, if denture after a period of time or can not be a normal diet, dental does not make sense, is not conducive to the absorption of nutrients.

Therefore, in patients with the best dental normal after eating a meal, consciously used with the new set of teeth, and more to taste some of the dishes, staple preferably also from soft to hard multi-point patterns, such as bread, rice, corn, etc., own feelings about the intensity of chewing teeth and teeth bite extent in order to reorient. According to the usual hard and soft food diet, moderate hardness can be.

Periodontitis Treatment and Health Act introduced

Periodontitis is a dental surrounding tissues (including gums, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone) chronic damage, bleeding gums, overflow pus, bad breath, loose teeth, elongation, displacement and pain and other symptoms.
Periodontitis is a dental surrounding tissues (including gums, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone) chronic damage, bleeding gums, overflow pus, bad breath, loose teeth, elongation, displacement and pain and other symptoms. So choose the right treatment, can effectively alleviate the suffering of periodontitis, the following referral for everyone periodontitis periodontal therapy and health care law, hoping to be helpful in patients with periodontitis.

Periodontitis causes of the disease, there are also local systemic factors. Generally speaking, poor oral hygiene, plaque and tartar accumulation, food impaction, the role of bacteria and plaque, poor dental and denture irritation or compression of the gums, are an important cause of periodontitis local causes. Sometimes, systemic factors on the occurrence and development of periodontitis also play a role, such as age, sex, genetic, endocrine, nutritional and other factors, to a certain extent, you can change the resistance and oral tissue between the symbiotic bacteria relations, so that the original local factors can not cause disease, can become pathogenic factor. Any single factor, unlikely to cause periodontitis.

Treatment of periodontitis

In the event of early treatment of periodontitis should, because the prognosis and disease severity. Periodontitis treatment with local therapy, first remove tartar above the gum (medically known as subgingival calculus), and then remove the periodontal pockets of tartar (ie subgingival calculus) and periodontal pocket curettage contains a large number of bacterial toxins lesions cementum, after these treatments, the gum swelling can subside, bleeding gums and periodontal pockets overflow pus may disappear.

Treatment of periodontitis in four phases:

The first stage is based on the treatment phase, aimed at selection of conventional periodontal treatment, removal or control inflammation and biting clinical risk factors, including oral self-cleaning, removal of poor prognosis and unfavorable repair teeth, supragingival, gingival The following scaling to remove plaque and tartar, use of antimicrobial drugs to control inflammation, biting jaw adjustment.

The second stage is periodontal surgery and loose teeth fixed.

The third stage is a permanent repair treatment, usually after 2-3 months after surgery performed.

The fourth stage of review retreatment phase, once every six months, including checking plaque control situation, health education, film examination, to further develop treatment plans.

The success of the treatment of periodontitis involves two aspects:

First, careful treatment planning and medical meticulous, exquisite treatment.

Second, patients adhere to good self-plaque control. The latter is more important than the former, or the doctor's job will be less effective, the disease will recur.

Periodontitis has brought to many people through, cold, hot, sour, sweet something to make you hurt, so patients with periodontitis treatment in addition to taking the necessary measures, routine periodontal health also need to do bit.

The five-word periodontal care law

1, in time. Before brushing your teeth after every meal, to wash food into his mouth, teeth along the direction of the accumulated residue around the tooth "rush" out, so massage gums can also play a role.

2 mention. After pushing to catch, then use a toothbrush to brush along the direction of the teeth remaining residue.

3, rinse. Will remain on the teeth in the mouth and rinse away residues, can be 2% to 5% salt water.

4, press. Use `thumb gently massage the gums food 10 to 15 times, from top to bottom by one massage to improve the blood circulation of the diseased tissue, is conducive to the rapid elimination of inflammation.

5, Ke. Buckle up and down to knock the teeth 10 to 15 times in order to exercise the root portion, play Guchi effect. Long-term adherence, periodontal disease can be controlled, healthy teeth are protected.

More men than women are more susceptible to periodontitis

Top 2012-09-20 Sina << dental article I want to comment (0) Core Tip: periodontal disease as a common oral diseases, has been plagued by so many people, especially men. Maryland Dental School, said male sex hormones may influence the body's immune system, so that men more likely than women suffer from destructive periodontitis, periodontal bear more risk of infection.
The researchers first found that gender affects destructive periodontal disease duration, disease severity. According to clinical observations, men suffering from oral disease once the disease is often more severe than women. Epidemiological data also show that the global ratio of males suffering from periodontal disease than women do.

Periodontal disease can affect the health of the gums, causing gum recession, loose teeth and shedding. Gum massage can promote gum keratosis, thickening of the epithelium, and promote local blood circulation, improve tissue metabolism, thereby increasing the resistance to external stimuli gums, reducing gingival recession, to prevent the development of periodontal disease, loose teeth, make oral more healthy.

1, chewing rough, fiber-rich foods

Chewing rough, foods rich in fiber, gum tissue will generate the appropriate stimulation, play a good massage.

2, the correct brushing

When brushing your teeth with the toothbrush hair destination 45 degrees up or down, the pressure in the gums, repeated massage. Place the toothbrush or a root portion, a short distance to vibrate up and down repeatedly on the gingival margin and papilla massage and clean the local role.

3, mouth massage

Wash your right hand and index finger on the gum mucosa, moving back and forth a massage, or a small circular rotating massage, again crown forces applied in the direction to the bite and Maxillofacial slide. Repeated action several times, massage gargle.

4, extraoral massage

After rinsing with his right index finger on the gums corresponding facial skin, press down gently massage a certain order, but also do small circular rotating massage will help to improve local blood circulation.

Tips: massage the gums, the force should be appropriate, or would cause the gums constriction injury; massage with a toothbrush when possible, choose a soft bristle toothbrush and brush should be small, both to avoid stabbing the gums, but also to ensure that all parts of the gums can be massaged into.

Just teeth with amalgam fillings also have to prevent tooth decay

Usually people think that baby teeth can be maintained for several years after the complement. But why would later decayed baby teeth fill it? This is in addition to their primary teeth are smaller and easy to prepare good retention cavity outside.
Xiaogang decayed deciduous teeth with a slight time, his mother took him to the hospital quickly let the dentist do repair. Mom thought: "Oh, rest assured, at least it can wait until the child teething tooth right?"

One night, my mother was crying disturbed Xiaogang awakened, I asked and found the child toothache badly, often mothers knew toothache toothache uncomfortable, quickly put the child to the hospital. Medical examination result is deep caries causing acute pulpitis, the need to open the medullary decompression, "perpetrators" It is sinking, has been filled with tooth decay. This allows mom exceedingly wonder: "Why would later decayed baby teeth fill it?"

Comment: Typically people think baby teeth can be maintained for several years after the supplement. But why would later decayed baby teeth fill it? This is in addition to their primary teeth are smaller and easy to prepare good retention cavity, there are the following two factors:

Children are not a good fit with the doctor when the cavity preparation, due to not cooperate with medical treatment in children, resulting in contamination of blood and saliva, and filling the cavity lining materials can not seal well with the wall, causing the edge of leakage, resulting in caries.

Normally not to follow instructions, with metal fillings after two hours in order to eat, and can not be filled through the side teeth crunch. Many children can be a hospital clamor to eat something that will remind children to be careful though parents eat, but the food in the mouth chewing movements or will impact and friction filling, causing its loose, fractured, and even some shedding. In addition, some material may expand during solidification, which may cause mild discomfort, and some kids will dig with your fingers, causing material defect, can lead to secondary caries.

Therefore, the children have dental caries need of repair, the parents in addition to choose a regular hospital, but also in the treatment of children before and after patient do ideological work, to strengthen the supervision of children, to prevent the consequences of failure caused filling.

How to choose a good dental porcelain

Teeth neat, attractive, white facial beauty can dedicate to a force, once the teeth not beautiful beauty who will make the overall image greatly reduced. Many beauty of the people will choose to make their teeth porcelain dental flaws, but do you really know how to choose a good porcelain teeth do?
How to choose a good porcelain teeth? Porcelain teeth appear very beneficial for us one thing, it can help us to more quickly and effectively solve the problem tooth defects, then before the treatment, you have to know how to pick the best for their porcelain teeth, protect postoperative results.

Today, porcelain teeth as missing teeth fixed restoration, cosmetic restoration of anterior teeth an ideal prosthesis gradually being accepted by more and more people, it not only has a metal toughness and strength, with both the aesthetics of porcelain performance and wear resistance. So choose porcelain dental restoration is the first choice in patients. And many types of porcelain teeth, how to choose a good dental porcelain became a priority.

Experts said that in fact, for more types of porcelain teeth, the patient should bear in mind to choose their own porcelain materials. But to choose for their own porcelain teeth, porcelain teeth must know generally divided into metal and all-ceramic dental porcelain teeth two categories. Metal porcelain teeth into non-precious metals, precious and semi-precious metals, porcelain teeth into cast porcelain teeth and computer porcelain teeth.

According to the crown metal porcelain teeth using different materials and production process, the district is divided into ordinary porcelain, shoulder porcelain, titanium porcelain, gilded porcelain, precious porcelain. Each has unique characteristics. Higher strength metal porcelain teeth, no stimulation, and the combination of gold and porcelain is very strong, better compatibility with the organization, porcelain teeth and gums in the contact areas not blue. In addition, the ceramic powder can reflect itself in the surface of the gold color, fully able to meet the requirements of cosmetic restoration.

To choose for their own porcelain teeth, porcelain teeth must know generally divided into metal and all-ceramic dental porcelain teeth two categories. From the foregoing description, I believe we already know how to choose a suitable material of porcelain teeth.

Experts explain the maintenance of dental implants

Implant length of life but also with our routine maintenance on, here we take a look at how the dental implant care!

We know that dental implants are called human "Third Deputy teeth" because of its use of life is very long. Of course, the lifespan of implants also relevant to our daily maintenance, here we take a look at how the dental implant care!

Dental implant life expectancy is more than twice the precious porcelain bridge, but experts also pointed out that although life expectancy is relatively long, but dental implant maintenance is also very necessary. Implant maintenance including preoperative and postoperative care dental implant dental implant maintenance.

After the implant root to wait two to six months before they can denture, during this time pay attention to oral hygiene, mouthwash after meals twice daily were applied soft brush or cotton strip cleaning implant abutments once; inlay after the upper teeth, not chewing excellent stuff.

Partly because the implant around without protective baroreceptor, root tissue susceptible to injury;

On the other hand, more brittle dental implant, damage is not easy to repair. In bordered teeth, should pay attention to the area between adjacent teeth and health, it is best to use dental floss correctly, to prevent adjacent teeth caries.

Experts remind that, even though patients do regular dental implant maintenance, after prolonged use, dental implants and natural teeth are the same, the president tartar and plaque, the need for regular cleanings. Scaling due to dental implant to use a special instrument carbon stainless steel, so it is best to professional dental hospital.

Expert: go early suffering from dental caries

Dental caries is important to fill after repair tools, in addition to doctors tell patients may appear explicitly temporary toothache (eg pulp inactivation), the other due to a variety of dental pain after the case should go to a regular hospital for treatment, in order to identify the causes and timely manner.
Many patients who have dental caries begins and disapproval until toothache when in the hospital for treatment, then the majority of patients is not simply fillings will solve the problem, you need a root canal or crowns, and in serious cases, to remove .

Without timely treatment of dental caries, the lesion will be increasing, from shallow to deep caries development, such as hot and cold, sweet and sour foods irritate sensitive, when the damage reaches the pulp, causing apical inflammation, periapical abscess, or even jaw osteomyelitis, tooth loss is missing. Dental caries or absent, will affect chewing, heavier burden on the stomach, thereby affecting their health. Moreover, there are a lot of bacteria caries pus, as a potential lesion, when the body's defenses are weakened, it can cause sepsis or bacteremia. The fillings can avoid termination of the occurrence and development of these diseases, it is suffering from a disease should be early dental caries.

After filling, the recent stimulus causes pain or spontaneous pain, possibly filling material in certain chemicals stimulate the pulp or periapical tissue caused by pulp may also be caused by incomplete inactivation. Forward the cause of pain often complicated by secondary caries pulpitis. Depending on the case for pulp appease or other endodontic treatment. If the recent bite pain, mostly filling material is too high, causing occlusion when early contact. A few days after treatment can be restored to normal.

Experts remind dental caries is important to fill after repair tools, in addition to doctors tell patients may appear explicitly temporary toothache (eg pulp inactivation), the other due to a variety of fillings after the case should go to a regular toothache hospital for treatment, in order to identify the causes and timely manner.